Package | |
Type | StructureDefinition |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 3.1.0 |
Status | active |
Date | 2024-05-29T10:00:38+00:00 |
Name | PDSm_ComprehensiveDocumentReference |
Title | PDSm Comprehensive DocumentReference |
Experimental | False |
Realm | fr |
Authority | national |
Description | Profil spécifique dérivé du profil IHE MHD v4.0.1 "ComprehensiveDocumentReference" créé pour le volet "Partage de documents de santé en mobilité". |
Type | DocumentReference |
Kind | resource |
CapabilityStatement | |
PDSm-ConsommateurDeDocuments | CI-SIS Partage-De-Documents-De-Sante - ConsommateurDeDocuments |
PDSm-GestionnaireDePartageDeDocuments | CI-SIS Partage-De-Documents-De-Sante - GestionnaireDePartageDeDocuments |
PDSm-ProducteurDeDocuments | CI-SIS Partage-De-Documents-De-Sante - ProducteurDeDocuments | | PDSm Comprehensive Provide Document Bundle | | PDSm Find DocumentReferences Comprehensive Response | | PDSm Folder Comprehensive | | PDSm SubmissionSet Comprehensive |
Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
DocumentReference | 0..* | ComprehensiveDocumentReference | A reference to a document | |
meta | ||||
versionId | S | 0..1 | id | Numéro de version de la fiche d’un document attribué par le système cible. La valeur de la métadonnée version est égale à 1 pour la première version de la fiche. Cet élément est requis lorsque le flux envoyé correspond à une mise à jour des données d’une fiche. |
contained | S | 1..* | Resource | Ressource contenue. Dans le cadre de ce profil, il est obligatoire qu'il y ait au moins une ressource contenue : la•les ressource•s référencée•s dans les attributs author et authenticator |
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Extension Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |
isArchived | S | 0..1 | boolean | Extension définie pour distinguer les fiches archivées des actives. URL: |
masterIdentifier | S | 1..1 | UniqueIdIdentifier | Représente l’identifiant unique global affecté au document par son créateur. Il est utilisable comme référence externe dans d’autres documents. |
identifier | 0..* | Identifier | Other identifiers for the document | |
status | S | 1..1 | code | current | superseded | entered-in-error |
type | C | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Représente le type du document. Binding: JDV_J07-XdsTypeCode-CISIS (preferred) constr-bind-type: Les valeurs possibles pour cet élément doivent provenir d’une des terminologies de référence suivantes : TRE_A05-TypeDocComplementaireCISIS, OID : TRE_A04-TypeDocument-LOINC, OID : 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 TRE_A12-NomenclatureASTM, OID : ASTM Les valeurs possibles peuvent être restreintes en fonction du jeu de valeurs correspondant mis à disposition par le projet (exemple : JDV_J66-TypeCode-DMP). En l’absence de spécifications complémentaires, le jeu de valeurs JDV_J07-XdsTypeCode-CISIS peut être utilisé. |
category | C | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Représente la classe du document (compte rendu, imagerie médicale, traitement, certificat,...). Binding: JDV_J06-XdsClassCode-CISIS (preferred) constr-bind-category: Les valeurs possibles pour cet élément doivent provenir d’une des terminologies de référence suivantes : - TRE_A03-ClasseDocument-CISIS, OID : - TRE_A10-NomenclatureURN, OID : URN Les valeurs possibles peuvent être restreintes en fonction du jeu de valeurs correspondant mis à disposition par le projet (exemple : JDV_J57-ClassCode-DMP). En l’absence de spécifications complémentaires, le jeu de valeurs JDV_J06-XdsClassCode-CISIS peut être utilisé. |
subject | 1..1 | Reference(FR Core Patient Profile) | Référence vers le patient concerné par le document. Cette même ressource est référencée depuis context.sourcePatientInfo. | |
date | 0..1 | instant | Représente la date de création de la ressource DocumentReference dans FHIR | |
author | 1..* | Reference(AS PractitionerRole Profile | Device | FR Core Patient Profile) {c} | Personnes physiques ou morales et/ou les dispositifs auteurs d'un document. | |
authenticator | S | 1..1 | Reference(AS PractitionerRole Profile | AS Organization Profile) {c} | Cet attribut représente l’acteur validant le document et prenant la responsabilité du contenu médical de celui-ci. Il peut s’agir de l’auteur du document si celui-ci est une personne et s’il endosse la responsabilité du contenu médical de ses documents. Si l’auteur est un dispositif, cet attribut doit représenter la personne responsable de l’action effectuée par le dispositif. Pour les documents d’expression personnelle du patient, cet attribut fait référence au patient. |
relatesTo | C | 0..* | BackboneElement | Relation avec d'autres fiches constr-cdr-rempl: Elément requis lorsque le flux envoyé correspond au remplacement d'un document constr-bind-relatesTo: Cardinalité contrainte à [1..1] lorsque le flux envoyé correspond au remplacement d’un document. |
code | 1..1 | code | Représente le type d'association entre deux fiches. | |
target | C | 1..1 | Reference(DocumentReference) | Représente l'identifiant d'une association entre deux fiches. constr-bind-relatesToTarget: Référence contrainte au profil PDSm_ComprehensiveDocumentReference |
description | S | 0..1 | string | Commentaire associé au document. |
securityLabel | C | 1..* | CodeableConcept | Contient les informations définissant le niveau de confidentialité d'un document. constr-bind-securityLabel: Les codes pour cet élément doivent provenir du ValueSet spécifié par le standard. Lorsqu’aucun code ne correspond au concept recherché, un code provenant de la terminologie de référence TRE_A07-StatusVisibiliteDocument, OID : peut être utilisé. |
content | S | 1..1 | BackboneElement | Document référencé. |
attachment | ||||
language | 1..1 | code | Pour tous les documents produits par les systèmes initiateurs français, le code est "fr-FR'. | |
url | C | 1..1 | url | Représente la référence vers une ressource Binary où se trouvent les données du document référencé constr-bind-attachmenturl: Dans le cas de l’ajout de document, l’url fait référence à la ressource Binary (« Binary/[id] »). Dans le cas de la recherche, il s’agit de l’URL permettant d’accéder au document |
size | 1..1 | unsignedInt | Représente la taille du document. | |
hash | 1..1 | base64Binary | Représente le résultat de hachage du document (SHA 1). | |
title | 1..1 | string | Label to display in place of the data | |
creation | 1..1 | dateTime | Représente la date et l’heure de création du document | |
format | C | 1..1 | Coding | Format technique détaillé du document. Binding: JDV_J10-XdsFormatCode-CISIS (preferred) constr-bind-format: Les valeurs possibles pour cet élément doivent provenir d’une des terminologies de référence suivantes : - TRE_A06-FormatCodeComplementaire, OID : - TRE_A11-IheFormatCode, OID : - TRE_A09-DICOMuidRegistry, OID : 1.2.840.10008.2.6.1 - TRE_A10-NomenclatureURN, OID : URN Les valeurs possibles peuvent être restreintes en fonction du jeu de valeurs correspondant mis à disposition par le projet (exemple : JDV_J60-FormatCode-DMP). En l’absence de spécifications complémentaires, le jeu de valeurs JDV_J10-XdsFormatCode-CISIS peut être utilisé. |
context | S | 1..1 | BackboneElement | Clinical context of document |
event | C | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Représente les actes et les pathologies en rapport avec le document. constr-bind-context-event: Nomenclatures utilisées : 1) CCAM pour les actes médicaux (OID=""); 2) CIM-10 pour les diagnostics de pathologie (OID="2.16.840.1.113883.6.3"), 3) TRE_A00-ProducteurDocNonPS pour les documents d'expression personnelle du patient, 4) autre |
period | 1..1 | Period | Time of service that is being documented | |
start | 1..1 | dateTime | Starting time with inclusive boundary | |
end | 0..1 | dateTime | End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing | |
facilityType | C | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Secteur d'activité lié à la prise en charge de la personne, en lien avec le document produit. Binding: JDV_J02-XdsHealthcareFacilityTypeCode-CISIS (preferred) constr-bind-ProducteurDoc: Les valeurs possibles pour cet élément doivent provenir d’une des terminologies de référence suivantes : - TRE_A00-ProducteurDocNonPS, OID : (lorsque l’auteur du document est un patient ou un équipement sous sa responsabilité) - TRE_R02-SecteurActivite, OID : (lorsque l’auteur du document est un professionnel ou un équipement sous sa responsabilité) Les valeurs possibles peuvent être restreintes en fonction du jeu de valeurs correspondant mis à disposition par le projet (exemple : JDV_J61-HealthcareFacilityTypeCode-DMP). En l’absence de spécifications complémentaires, le jeu de valeurs JDV_J02-XdsHealthcareFacilityTypeCode-CISIS peut être utilisé. |
practiceSetting | C | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Cadre d’exercice de l’acte qui a engendré la création du document. Binding: JDV_J04-XdsPracticeSettingCode-CISIS (preferred) constr-bind-ProducteurDoc: Les valeurs possibles pour cet élément doivent provenir d’une des terminologies de référence suivantes : - TRE_A00-ProducteurDocNonPS, OID : (lorsque l’auteur du document est un patient ou un équipement sous sa responsabilité) - TRE_R02-SecteurActivite, OID : (lorsque l’auteur du document est un professionnel ou un équipement sous sa responsabilité) Les valeurs possibles peuvent être restreintes en fonction du jeu de valeurs correspondant mis à disposition par le projet (exemple : JDV_J61-HealthcareFacilityTypeCode-DMP). En l’absence de spécifications complémentaires, le jeu de valeurs JDV_J02-XdsHealthcareFacilityTypeCode-CISIS peut être utilisé. |
sourcePatientInfo | 1..1 | Reference(FR Core Patient Profile) {c} | Référence vers la ressource Patient titulaire du dossier. | |
Slices for related | S | 0..* | Reference(Resource) | Related identifiers or resources Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:type |
related:referenceIdList | 0..* | Reference(Resource) | Données d’un « identifiant de référence » (referenceIdList) | |
identifier | S | 0..1 | Identifier | Logical reference, when literal reference is not known |
type | ||||
coding | ||||
system | 0..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Required Pattern: urn:ietf:rfc:3986 | |
code | S | 0..1 | code | [CXi.5] Identifier Type Code : urn:ihe:iti:xds:2016:studyInstanceUID | urn:ihe:iti:xds:2013:order | urn:ihe:iti:xds:2013:accession |
system | S | 0..1 | uri | [CXi.4.2] Assigning Authority (ce champs n'est pas présent systématiquement, il ne l'est dans le cas de studyInstanceUID notamment). |
value | S | 1..1 | string | [CXi.1] Accession number |
Documentation for this format |
"resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
"id" : "pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference",
"text" : {
"status" : "extensions",
"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\"><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; font-size: 11px; font-family: verdana; vertical-align: top;\"><tr style=\"border: 1px #F0F0F0 solid; font-size: 11px; font-family: verdana; vertical-align: top\"><th style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\" title=\"The logical name of the element\">Name</a></th><th style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\" title=\"Information about the use of the element\">Flags</a></th><th style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\" title=\"Minimum and Maximum # of times the the element can appear in the instance\">Card.</a></th><th style=\"width: 100px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\" title=\"Reference to the type of the element\">Type</a></th><th style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\" title=\"Additional information about the element\">Description & Constraints</a><span style=\"float: right\"><a href=\"\" title=\"Legend for this format\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"doco\" style=\"background-color: inherit\"/></a></span></th></tr><tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck1.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_resource.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Resource\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference\">DocumentReference</a><a name=\"DocumentReference\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">*</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\">ComprehensiveDocumentReference</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">A reference to a document</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck11.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.meta\">meta</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.meta\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck100.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.meta.versionId\">versionId</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.meta.versionId\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">id</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Numéro de version de la fiche dâun document attribué par le système cible. La valeur de la métadonnée version est égale à 1 pour la première version de la fiche. Cet élément est requis lorsque le flux envoyé correspond à une mise à jour des données dâune fiche.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.contained\">contained</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.contained\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">1..<span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">*</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">Resource</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Ressource contenue. Dans le cadre de ce profil, il est obligatoire qu'il y ait au moins une ressource contenue : laâ¢les ressourceâ¢s référencéeâ¢s dans les attributs author et authenticator</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck13.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_extension_simple.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Simple Extension\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.extension\">Slices for extension</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.extension\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">*</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">Extension</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">Extension</span><br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Slice: </span>Unordered, Open by value:url</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck124.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end_slicer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_slice_item.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Slice Item\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.extension:isArchived\" title=\"Extension URL =\">isArchived</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.extension\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">0..1</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\">boolean</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Extension définie pour distinguer les fiches archivées des actives.<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">URL: </span><a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-ext-is-archived.html\"></a></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.masterIdentifier\">masterIdentifier</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.masterIdentifier\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\" title=\"Identifier\">UniqueIdIdentifier</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Représente lâidentifiant unique global affecté au document par son créateur. Il est utilisable comme référence externe dans dâautres documents.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.identifier\">identifier</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.identifier\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">*</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">Identifier</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">Other identifiers for the document</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.status\">status</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.status\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">code</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">current | superseded | entered-in-error</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.type\">type</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.type\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; border: 1px maroon solid; font-weight: bold; color: #301212; background-color: #fdf4f4;\" href=\"\" title=\"This element has or is affected by constraints ( constr-bind-type )\">C</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">CodeableConcept</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Représente le type du document.<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Binding: </span><a href=\"\" title=\"\">JDV_J07-XdsTypeCode-CISIS</a> (<a href=\"\" title=\"Instances are encouraged to draw from the specified codes for interoperability purposes but are not required to do so to be considered conformant.\">preferred</a>)<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">constr-bind-type: </span>Les valeurs possibles pour cet élément doivent provenir dâune des terminologies de référence suivantes :\n\r\n TRE_A05-TypeDocComplementaireCISIS, OID :\n\r\n TRE_A04-TypeDocument-LOINC, OID : 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1\n\r\n TRE_A12-NomenclatureASTM, OID : ASTM\n\r\nLes valeurs possibles peuvent être restreintes en fonction du jeu de valeurs correspondant mis à disposition par le projet (exemple : JDV_J66-TypeCode-DMP).\r\nEn lâabsence de spécifications complémentaires, le jeu de valeurs JDV_J07-XdsTypeCode-CISIS peut être utilisé.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.category\">category</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.category\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; border: 1px maroon solid; font-weight: bold; color: #301212; background-color: #fdf4f4;\" href=\"\" title=\"This element has or is affected by constraints ( constr-bind-category )\">C</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">CodeableConcept</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Représente la classe du document (compte rendu, imagerie médicale, traitement, certificat,...).<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Binding: </span><a href=\"\" title=\"\">JDV_J06-XdsClassCode-CISIS</a> (<a href=\"\" title=\"Instances are encouraged to draw from the specified codes for interoperability purposes but are not required to do so to be considered conformant.\">preferred</a>)<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">constr-bind-category: </span>Les valeurs possibles pour cet élément doivent provenir dâune des terminologies de référence suivantes :\n-\tTRE_A03-ClasseDocument-CISIS, OID :\n-\tTRE_A10-NomenclatureURN, OID : URN\nLes valeurs possibles peuvent être restreintes en fonction du jeu de valeurs correspondant mis à disposition par le projet (exemple : JDV_J57-ClassCode-DMP).\nEn lâabsence de spécifications complémentaires, le jeu de valeurs JDV_J06-XdsClassCode-CISIS peut être utilisé.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_reference.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Reference to another Resource\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.subject\">subject</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.subject\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\">Reference</a>(<a href=\"\">FR Core Patient Profile</a>)</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Référence vers le patient concerné par le document. Cette même ressource est référencée depuis context.sourcePatientInfo.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"\">date</a><a name=\"\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">instant</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Représente la date de création de la ressource DocumentReference dans FHIR</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_reference.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Reference to another Resource\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"\">author</a><a name=\"\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">1..<span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">*</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\">Reference</a>(<a href=\"\">AS PractitionerRole Profile</a> | <a href=\"\">Device</a> | <a href=\"\">FR Core Patient Profile</a>)<a href=\"\"> {</a><a href=\"\" title=\"The reference is a local reference to a contained resource.\">c</a><a href=\"\">}</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Personnes physiques ou morales et/ou les dispositifs auteurs d'un document.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_reference.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Reference to another Resource\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.authenticator\">authenticator</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.authenticator\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">1..<span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\">Reference</a>(<a href=\"\">AS PractitionerRole Profile</a> | <a href=\"\">AS Organization Profile</a>)<a href=\"\"> {</a><a href=\"\" title=\"The reference is a local reference to a contained resource.\">c</a><a href=\"\">}</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Cet attribut représente lâacteur validant le document et prenant la responsabilité du contenu médical de celui-ci. Il peut sâagir de lâauteur du document si celui-ci est une personne et sâil endosse la responsabilité du contenu médical de ses documents. Si lâauteur est un dispositif, cet attribut doit représenter la personne responsable de lâaction effectuée par le dispositif. Pour les documents dâexpression personnelle du patient, cet attribut fait référence au patient.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck11.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.relatesTo\" title=\"Cardinalité contrainte à [1..1] lorsque le flux envoyé correspond au remplacement dâun document.\">relatesTo</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.relatesTo\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; border: 1px maroon solid; font-weight: bold; color: #301212; background-color: #fdf4f4;\" href=\"\" title=\"This element has or is affected by constraints ( constr-cdr-rempl, constr-bind-relatesTo )\">C</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">*</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">BackboneElement</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Relation avec d'autres fiches<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">constr-cdr-rempl: </span>Elément requis lorsque le flux envoyé correspond au remplacement d'un document<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">constr-bind-relatesTo: </span>Cardinalité contrainte à [1..1] lorsque le flux envoyé correspond au remplacement dâun document.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck110.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.relatesTo.code\">code</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.relatesTo.code\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">code</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Représente le type d'association entre deux fiches.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck100.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"\">target</a><a name=\"\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; border: 1px maroon solid; font-weight: bold; color: #301212; background-color: #fdf4f4;\" href=\"\" title=\"This element has or is affected by constraints ( constr-bind-relatesToTarget )\">C</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\">Reference</a>(<a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">DocumentReference</a>)</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Représente l'identifiant d'une association entre deux fiches.<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">constr-bind-relatesToTarget: </span>Référence contrainte au profil PDSm_ComprehensiveDocumentReference</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.description\">description</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.description\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">string</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Commentaire associé au document.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck10.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.securityLabel\">securityLabel</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.securityLabel\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; border: 1px maroon solid; font-weight: bold; color: #301212; background-color: #fdf4f4;\" href=\"\" title=\"This element has or is affected by constraints ( constr-bind-securityLabel )\">C</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">*</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">CodeableConcept</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Contient les informations définissant le niveau de confidentialité d'un document.<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">constr-bind-securityLabel: </span>Les codes pour cet élément doivent provenir du ValueSet spécifié par le standard. Lorsquâaucun code ne correspond au concept recherché, un code provenant de la terminologie de référence TRE_A07-StatusVisibiliteDocument, OID : peut être utilisé.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck11.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.content\">content</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.content\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">BackboneElement</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Document référencé.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck111.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.content.attachment\">attachment</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.content.attachment\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck1110.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.content.attachment.language\">language</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.content.attachment.language\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">code</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Pour tous les documents produits par les systèmes initiateurs français, le code est "fr-FR'.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck1110.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.content.attachment.url\">url</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.content.attachment.url\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; border: 1px maroon solid; font-weight: bold; color: #301212; background-color: #fdf4f4;\" href=\"\" title=\"This element has or is affected by constraints ( constr-bind-attachmenturl )\">C</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">url</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Représente la référence vers une ressource Binary où se trouvent les données du document référencé<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">constr-bind-attachmenturl: </span>Dans le cas de lâajout de document, lâurl fait référence à la ressource Binary (« Binary/[id] »).\nDans le cas de la recherche, il sâagit de lâURL permettant dâaccéder au document</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck1110.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.content.attachment.size\">size</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.content.attachment.size\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">1..<span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">unsignedInt</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Représente la taille du document.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck1110.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.content.attachment.hash\">hash</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.content.attachment.hash\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">1..<span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">base64Binary</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Représente le résultat de hachage du document (SHA 1).</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck1110.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.content.attachment.title\">title</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.content.attachment.title\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">1..<span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">string</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">Label to display in place of the data</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck1100.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.content.attachment.creation\">creation</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.content.attachment.creation\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">dateTime</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Représente la date et lâheure de création du document</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck100.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.content.format\">format</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.content.format\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; border: 1px maroon solid; font-weight: bold; color: #301212; background-color: #fdf4f4;\" href=\"\" title=\"This element has or is affected by constraints ( constr-bind-format )\">C</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">Coding</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Format technique détaillé du document.<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Binding: </span><a href=\"\" title=\"\">JDV_J10-XdsFormatCode-CISIS</a> (<a href=\"\" title=\"Instances are encouraged to draw from the specified codes for interoperability purposes but are not required to do so to be considered conformant.\">preferred</a>)<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">constr-bind-format: </span>Les valeurs possibles pour cet élément doivent provenir dâune des terminologies de référence suivantes :\n- TRE_A06-FormatCodeComplementaire, OID :\n- TRE_A11-IheFormatCode, OID :\n- TRE_A09-DICOMuidRegistry, OID : 1.2.840.10008.2.6.1\n- TRE_A10-NomenclatureURN, OID : URN\nLes valeurs possibles peuvent être restreintes en fonction du jeu de valeurs correspondant mis à disposition par le projet (exemple : JDV_J60-FormatCode-DMP).\nEn lâabsence de spécifications complémentaires, le jeu de valeurs JDV_J10-XdsFormatCode-CISIS peut être utilisé.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck01.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context\">context</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">BackboneElement</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">Clinical context of document</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck010.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.event\">event</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.event\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; border: 1px maroon solid; font-weight: bold; color: #301212; background-color: #fdf4f4;\" href=\"\" title=\"This element has or is affected by constraints ( constr-bind-context-event )\">C</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">*</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">CodeableConcept</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Représente les actes et les pathologies en rapport avec le document.<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">constr-bind-context-event: </span>Nomenclatures utilisées : 1) CCAM pour les actes médicaux (OID=""); 2) CIM-10 pour les diagnostics de pathologie (OID="2.16.840.1.113883.6.3"), 3) TRE_A00-ProducteurDocNonPS pour les documents d'expression personnelle du patient, 4) autre</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck011.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.period\">period</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.period\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">1..<span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">Period</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">Time of service that is being documented</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck0110.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.period.start\">start</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.period.start\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">1..<span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">dateTime</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">Starting time with inclusive boundary</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck0100.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.period.end\">end</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.period.end\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">dateTime</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck010.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.facilityType\">facilityType</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.facilityType\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; border: 1px maroon solid; font-weight: bold; color: #301212; background-color: #fdf4f4;\" href=\"\" title=\"This element has or is affected by constraints ( constr-bind-ProducteurDoc )\">C</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">CodeableConcept</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Secteur d'activité lié à la prise en charge de la personne, en lien avec le document produit.<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Binding: </span><a href=\"\" title=\"\">JDV_J02-XdsHealthcareFacilityTypeCode-CISIS</a> (<a href=\"\" title=\"Instances are encouraged to draw from the specified codes for interoperability purposes but are not required to do so to be considered conformant.\">preferred</a>)<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">constr-bind-ProducteurDoc: </span>Les valeurs possibles pour cet élément doivent provenir dâune des terminologies de référence suivantes :\n-\tTRE_A00-ProducteurDocNonPS, OID : (lorsque lâauteur du document est un patient ou un équipement sous sa responsabilité)\n-\tTRE_R02-SecteurActivite, OID : (lorsque lâauteur du document est un professionnel ou un équipement sous sa responsabilité)\nLes valeurs possibles peuvent être restreintes en fonction du jeu de valeurs correspondant mis à disposition par le projet (exemple : JDV_J61-HealthcareFacilityTypeCode-DMP).\nEn lâabsence de spécifications complémentaires, le jeu de valeurs JDV_J02-XdsHealthcareFacilityTypeCode-CISIS peut être utilisé.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck010.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.practiceSetting\">practiceSetting</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.practiceSetting\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; border: 1px maroon solid; font-weight: bold; color: #301212; background-color: #fdf4f4;\" href=\"\" title=\"This element has or is affected by constraints ( constr-bind-ProducteurDoc )\">C</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">CodeableConcept</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Cadre dâexercice de lâacte qui a engendré la création du document.<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Binding: </span><a href=\"\" title=\"\">JDV_J04-XdsPracticeSettingCode-CISIS</a> (<a href=\"\" title=\"Instances are encouraged to draw from the specified codes for interoperability purposes but are not required to do so to be considered conformant.\">preferred</a>)<br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">constr-bind-ProducteurDoc: </span>Les valeurs possibles pour cet élément doivent provenir dâune des terminologies de référence suivantes :\n-\tTRE_A00-ProducteurDocNonPS, OID : (lorsque lâauteur du document est un patient ou un équipement sous sa responsabilité)\n-\tTRE_R02-SecteurActivite, OID : (lorsque lâauteur du document est un professionnel ou un équipement sous sa responsabilité)\nLes valeurs possibles peuvent être restreintes en fonction du jeu de valeurs correspondant mis à disposition par le projet (exemple : JDV_J61-HealthcareFacilityTypeCode-DMP).\nEn lâabsence de spécifications complémentaires, le jeu de valeurs JDV_J02-XdsHealthcareFacilityTypeCode-CISIS peut être utilisé.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck010.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_reference.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Reference to another Resource\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.sourcePatientInfo\">sourcePatientInfo</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.sourcePatientInfo\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\">Reference</a>(<a href=\"\">FR Core Patient Profile</a>)<a href=\"\"> {</a><a href=\"\" title=\"The reference is a local reference to a contained resource.\">c</a><a href=\"\">}</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Référence vers la ressource Patient titulaire du dossier.</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck003.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_slice.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Slice Definition\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a style=\"font-style: italic\" href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.related\">Slices for related</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.related\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red; font-style: italic\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"font-style: italic\"/><span style=\"opacity: 0.5; font-style: italic\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5; font-style: italic\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5; font-style: italic\">*</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"font-style: italic\" href=\"\">Reference</a><span style=\"font-style: italic\">(</span><a style=\"opacity: 0.5; font-style: italic\" href=\"\">Resource</a><span style=\"font-style: italic\">)</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5; font-style: italic\">Related identifiers or resources</span><br style=\"font-style: italic\"/><span style=\"font-weight:bold; font-style: italic\">Slice: </span><span style=\"font-style: italic\">Unordered, Open by pattern:type</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck0025.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end_slicer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_slice_item.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Slice Item\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.related:referenceIdList\" title=\"Slice referenceIdList\">related:referenceIdList</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.related\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">0..*</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a href=\"\">Reference</a>(<a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">Resource</a>)</td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">Données dâun « identifiant de référence » (referenceIdList)<br/></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck00241.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end_slice.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.related:referenceIdList.identifier\">identifier</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.related.identifier\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">Identifier</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">Logical reference, when literal reference is not known</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck002411.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.related:referenceIdList.identifier.type\">type</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.related.identifier.type\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck0024101.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.related:referenceIdList.identifier.type.coding\">coding</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.related.identifier.type.coding\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck00241010.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.related:referenceIdList.identifier.type.coding.system\">system</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.related.identifier.type.coding.system\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">uri</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">Identity of the terminology system</span><br/><span style=\"font-weight:bold\">Required Pattern: </span><span style=\"color: darkgreen\">urn:ietf:rfc:3986</span></td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck00241000.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vline.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.related:referenceIdList.identifier.type.coding.code\">code</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.related.identifier.type.coding.code\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">code</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">[CXi.5] Identifier Type Code : urn:ihe:iti:xds:2016:studyInstanceUID | urn:ihe:iti:xds:2013:order | urn:ihe:iti:xds:2013:accession</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: white\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck002410.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: white; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.related:referenceIdList.identifier.system\">system</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.related.identifier.system\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">0</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">..</span><span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">uri</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: white; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">[CXi.4.2] Assigning Authority (ce champs n'est pas présent systématiquement, il ne l'est dans le cas de studyInstanceUID notamment).</td></tr>\r\n<tr style=\"border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px; vertical-align: top; background-color: #F7F7F7\"><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; white-space: nowrap; background-image: url(tbl_bck002400.png)\" class=\"hierarchy\"><img src=\"tbl_spacer.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_blank.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"tbl_vjoin_end.png\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: inherit\" class=\"hierarchy\"/><img src=\"icon_element.gif\" alt=\".\" style=\"background-color: #F7F7F7; background-color: inherit\" title=\"Element\" class=\"hierarchy\"/> <a href=\"StructureDefinition-pdsm-comprehensive-document-reference-definitions.html#DocumentReference.context.related:referenceIdList.identifier.value\">value</a><a name=\"DocumentReference.context.related.identifier.value\"> </a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><span style=\"padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; color: white; background-color: red\" title=\"This element must be supported\">S</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">1..<span style=\"opacity: 0.5\">1</span></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\"><a style=\"opacity: 0.5\" href=\"\">string</a></td><td style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align : left; background-color: #F7F7F7; border: 0px #F0F0F0 solid; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px\" class=\"hierarchy\">[CXi.1] Accession number</td></tr>\r\n<tr><td colspan=\"5\" class=\"hierarchy\"><br/><a href=\"\" title=\"Legend for this format\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"doco\" style=\"background-color: inherit\"/> Documentation for this format</a></td></tr></table></div>"
"url" : "",
"version" : "3.1.0",
"name" : "PDSm_ComprehensiveDocumentReference",
"title" : "PDSm Comprehensive DocumentReference",
"status" : "active",
"date" : "2024-05-29T10:00:38+00:00",
"publisher" : "ANS",
"contact" : [
"name" : "ANS",
"telecom" : [
"system" : "url",
"value" : ""
"description" : "Profil spécifique dérivé du profil IHE MHD v4.0.1 \"ComprehensiveDocumentReference\" créé pour le volet \"Partage de documents de santé en mobilité\".",
"fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "specmetier-to-PDSmComprehensiveDocumentReference",
"name" : "Spécification métier vers le profil PDSm_ComprehensiveDocumentReference"
"identity" : "workflow",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "Workflow Pattern"
"identity" : "fhircomposition",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "FHIR Composition"
"identity" : "rim",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "RIM Mapping"
"identity" : "cda",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "CDA (R2)"
"identity" : "w5",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "FiveWs Pattern Mapping"
"identity" : "v2",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "HL7 v2 Mapping"
"identity" : "xds",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "XDS metadata equivalent"
"identity" : "DocumentEntry-Mapping",
"uri" : "XDS",
"name" : "XDS and MHD Mapping"
"kind" : "resource",
"abstract" : false,
"type" : "DocumentReference",
"baseDefinition" : "",
"derivation" : "constraint",
"snapshot" : {
"element" : [
"id" : "DocumentReference",
"path" : "DocumentReference",
"short" : "A reference to a document",
"definition" : "A reference to a document of any kind for any purpose. Provides metadata about the document so that the document can be discovered and managed. The scope of a document is any seralized object with a mime-type, so includes formal patient centric documents (CDA), cliical notes, scanned paper, and non-patient specific documents like policy text.",
"comment" : "Usually, this is used for documents other than those defined by FHIR.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*",
"base" : {
"path" : "DocumentReference",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "dom-2",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources",
"expression" : "contained.contained.empty()",
"xpath" : "not(parent::f:contained and f:contained)",
"source" : ""
"key" : "dom-3",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource",
"expression" : "contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()",
"xpath" : "not(exists(for $id in f:contained/*/f:id/@value return $contained[not(parent::*/descendant::f:reference/@value=concat('#', $contained/*/id/@value) or descendant::f:reference[@value='#'])]))",
"source" : ""
"key" : "dom-4",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "If a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated",
"expression" : "contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()",
"xpath" : "not(exists(f:contained/*/f:meta/f:versionId)) and not(exists(f:contained/*/f:meta/f:lastUpdated))",
"source" : ""
"key" : "dom-5",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "If a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label",
"expression" : "",
"xpath" : "not(exists(f:contained/*/f:meta/f:security))",
"source" : ""
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueBoolean" : true
"url" : "",
"valueMarkdown" : "When a resource has no narrative, only systems that fully understand the data can display the resource to a human safely. Including a human readable representation in the resource makes for a much more robust eco-system and cheaper handling of resources by intermediary systems. Some ecosystems restrict distribution of resources to only those systems that do fully understand the resources, and as a consequence implementers may believe that the narrative is superfluous. However experience shows that such eco-systems often open up to new participants over time."
"key" : "dom-6",
"severity" : "warning",
"human" : "A resource should have narrative for robust management",
"expression" : "text.`div`.exists()",
"xpath" : "exists(f:text/h:div)",
"source" : ""
"key" : "iti-mhd-repl",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "a DocumetReference replacements needs to relate to a superseded DocumentReference",
"expression" : "relatesTo.empty() or (relatesTo.code='replaces' implies",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : false,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "Entity. Role, or Act"
"identity" : "workflow",
"map" : "Event"
"identity" : "fhircomposition",
"map" : "when describing a Composition"
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "Document[classCode=\"DOC\" and moodCode=\"EVN\"]"
"identity" : "cda",
"map" : "when describing a CDA"
"identity" : "DocumentEntry-Mapping",
"map" : "XDS DocumentEntry",
"comment" : "Used in the context of the IHE MHD ImplementationGuide"
"identity" : "specmetier-to-PDSmComprehensiveDocumentReference",
"map" : "Fiche"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"short" : "Logical id of this artifact",
"definition" : "The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.",
"comment" : "The only time that a resource does not have an id is when it is being submitted to the server using a create operation.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueUrl" : "id"
"code" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : true
"id" : "DocumentReference.meta",
"path" : "DocumentReference.meta",
"short" : "Metadata about the resource",
"definition" : "The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "Resource.meta",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"code" : "Meta"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : true
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"representation" : [
"short" : "Unique id for inter-element referencing",
"definition" : "Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueUrl" : "string"
"code" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : false,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "n/a"
"id" : "DocumentReference.meta.extension",
"path" : "DocumentReference.meta.extension",
"slicing" : {
"discriminator" : [
"type" : "value",
"path" : "url"
"description" : "Extensions are always sliced by (at least) url",
"rules" : "open"
"short" : "Additional content defined by implementations",
"definition" : "May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.",
"comment" : "There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone.",
"alias" : [
"user content"
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*",
"base" : {
"path" : "Element.extension",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"type" : [
"code" : "Extension"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"key" : "ext-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "Must have either extensions or value[x], not both",
"expression" : "extension.exists() != value.exists()",
"xpath" : "exists(f:extension)!=exists(f:*[starts-with(local-name(.), \"value\")])",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : false,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "n/a"
"id" : "DocumentReference.meta.versionId",
"path" : "DocumentReference.meta.versionId",
"short" : "Numéro de version de la fiche dâun document attribué par le système cible. La valeur de la métadonnée version est égale à 1 pour la première version de la fiche. Cet élément est requis lorsque le flux envoyé correspond à une mise à jour des données dâune fiche.",
"definition" : "The version specific identifier, as it appears in the version portion of the URL. This value changes when the resource is created, updated, or deleted.",
"comment" : "The server assigns this value, and ignores what the client specifies, except in the case that the server is imposing version integrity on updates/deletes.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "Meta.versionId",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"code" : "id"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"mustSupport" : true,
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : true,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "specmetier-to-PDSmComprehensiveDocumentReference",
"map" : "version : [0..1] Numerique"
"id" : "DocumentReference.meta.lastUpdated",
"path" : "DocumentReference.meta.lastUpdated",
"short" : "When the resource version last changed",
"definition" : "When the resource last changed - e.g. when the version changed.",
"comment" : "This value is always populated except when the resource is first being created. The server / resource manager sets this value; what a client provides is irrelevant. This is equivalent to the HTTP Last-Modified and SHOULD have the same value on a [read]( interaction.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "Meta.lastUpdated",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"code" : "instant"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : true
"id" : "DocumentReference.meta.source",
"path" : "DocumentReference.meta.source",
"short" : "Identifies where the resource comes from",
"definition" : "A uri that identifies the source system of the resource. This provides a minimal amount of [Provenance]( information that can be used to track or differentiate the source of information in the resource. The source may identify another FHIR server, document, message, database, etc.",
"comment" : "In the provenance resource, this corresponds to Provenance.entity.what[x]. The exact use of the source (and the implied Provenance.entity.role) is left to implementer discretion. Only one nominated source is allowed; for additional provenance details, a full Provenance resource should be used. \n\nThis element can be used to indicate where the current master source of a resource that has a canonical URL if the resource is no longer hosted at the canonical URL.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "Meta.source",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"code" : "uri"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : true
"id" : "DocumentReference.meta.profile",
"path" : "DocumentReference.meta.profile",
"short" : "Profiles this resource claims to conform to",
"definition" : "A list of profiles (references to [StructureDefinition]( resources) that this resource claims to conform to. The URL is a reference to [StructureDefinition.url](",
"comment" : "It is up to the server and/or other infrastructure of policy to determine whether/how these claims are verified and/or updated over time. The list of profile URLs is a set.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*",
"base" : {
"path" : "Meta.profile",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"type" : [
"code" : "canonical",
"targetProfile" : [
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : true,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "DocumentEntry-Mapping",
"map" : "DocumentEntry.limitedMetadata"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"short" : "Security Labels applied to this resource",
"definition" : "Security labels applied to this resource. These tags connect specific resources to the overall security policy and infrastructure.",
"comment" : "The security labels can be updated without changing the stated version of the resource. The list of security labels is a set. Uniqueness is based the system/code, and version and display are ignored.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*",
"base" : {
"path" : "",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"type" : [
"code" : "Coding"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : true,
"binding" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "SecurityLabels"
"strength" : "extensible",
"description" : "Security Labels from the Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System.",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "DocumentReference.meta.tag",
"path" : "DocumentReference.meta.tag",
"short" : "Tags applied to this resource",
"definition" : "Tags applied to this resource. Tags are intended to be used to identify and relate resources to process and workflow, and applications are not required to consider the tags when interpreting the meaning of a resource.",
"comment" : "The tags can be updated without changing the stated version of the resource. The list of tags is a set. Uniqueness is based the system/code, and version and display are ignored.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*",
"base" : {
"path" : "Meta.tag",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"type" : [
"code" : "Coding"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : true,
"binding" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Tags"
"strength" : "example",
"description" : "Codes that represent various types of tags, commonly workflow-related; e.g. \"Needs review by Dr. Jones\".",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "DocumentReference.implicitRules",
"path" : "DocumentReference.implicitRules",
"short" : "A set of rules under which this content was created",
"definition" : "A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.",
"comment" : "Asserting this rule set restricts the content to be only understood by a limited set of trading partners. This inherently limits the usefulness of the data in the long term. However, the existing health eco-system is highly fractured, and not yet ready to define, collect, and exchange data in a generally computable sense. Wherever possible, implementers and/or specification writers should avoid using this element. Often, when used, the URL is a reference to an implementation guide that defines these special rules as part of it's narrative along with other profiles, value sets, etc.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "Resource.implicitRules",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"code" : "uri"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : true,
"isModifierReason" : "This element is labeled as a modifier because the implicit rules may provide additional knowledge about the resource that modifies it's meaning or interpretation",
"isSummary" : true
"id" : "DocumentReference.language",
"path" : "DocumentReference.language",
"short" : "Language of the resource content",
"definition" : "The base language in which the resource is written.",
"comment" : "Language is provided to support indexing and accessibility (typically, services such as text to speech use the language tag). The html language tag in the narrative applies to the narrative. The language tag on the resource may be used to specify the language of other presentations generated from the data in the resource. Not all the content has to be in the base language. The Resource.language should not be assumed to apply to the narrative automatically. If a language is specified, it should it also be specified on the div element in the html (see rules in HTML5 for information about the relationship between xml:lang and the html lang attribute).",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "Resource.language",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"code" : "code"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : false,
"binding" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueCanonical" : ""
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Language"
"strength" : "preferred",
"description" : "A human language.",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "DocumentReference.text",
"path" : "DocumentReference.text",
"short" : "Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation",
"definition" : "A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient detail to make it \"clinically safe\" for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety.",
"comment" : "Contained resources do not have narrative. Resources that are not contained SHOULD have a narrative. In some cases, a resource may only have text with little or no additional discrete data (as long as all minOccurs=1 elements are satisfied). This may be necessary for data from legacy systems where information is captured as a \"text blob\" or where text is additionally entered raw or narrated and encoded information is added later.",
"alias" : [
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "DomainResource.text",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"code" : "Narrative"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : false,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "Act.text?"
"id" : "DocumentReference.contained",
"path" : "DocumentReference.contained",
"short" : "Ressource contenue. Dans le cadre de ce profil, il est obligatoire qu'il y ait au moins une ressource contenue : laâ¢les ressourceâ¢s référencéeâ¢s dans les attributs author et authenticator",
"definition" : "These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope.",
"comment" : "This should never be done when the content can be identified properly, as once identification is lost, it is extremely difficult (and context dependent) to restore it again. Contained resources may have profiles and tags In their meta elements, but SHALL NOT have security labels.",
"alias" : [
"inline resources",
"anonymous resources",
"contained resources"
"min" : 1,
"max" : "*",
"base" : {
"path" : "DomainResource.contained",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"type" : [
"code" : "Resource"
"mustSupport" : true,
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : false,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "N/A"
"id" : "DocumentReference.extension",
"path" : "DocumentReference.extension",
"slicing" : {
"discriminator" : [
"type" : "value",
"path" : "url"
"rules" : "open"
"short" : "Extension",
"definition" : "An Extension",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*",
"base" : {
"path" : "DomainResource.extension",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"type" : [
"code" : "Extension"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"key" : "ext-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "Must have either extensions or value[x], not both",
"expression" : "extension.exists() != value.exists()",
"xpath" : "exists(f:extension)!=exists(f:*[starts-with(local-name(.), \"value\")])",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : false
"id" : "DocumentReference.extension:isArchived",
"path" : "DocumentReference.extension",
"sliceName" : "isArchived",
"short" : "Extension définie pour distinguer les fiches archivées des actives.",
"definition" : "Extension définie par le volet ANS \"Volet Partage de documents de santé en mobilité\" sur les ressources List et DocumentReference pour distinguer les lots de soumission et les fiches archivés des actives.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "DomainResource.extension",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"type" : [
"code" : "Extension",
"profile" : [
"condition" : [
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"key" : "ext-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "Must have either extensions or value[x], not both",
"expression" : "extension.exists() != value.exists()",
"xpath" : "exists(f:extension)!=exists(f:*[starts-with(local-name(.), 'value')])",
"source" : ""
"mustSupport" : true,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "specmetier-to-PDSmComprehensiveDocumentReference",
"map" : "statut : [1..1] Code"
"id" : "DocumentReference.modifierExtension",
"path" : "DocumentReference.modifierExtension",
"short" : "Extension",
"definition" : "An Extension",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "0",
"base" : {
"path" : "DomainResource.modifierExtension",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"type" : [
"code" : "Extension"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"key" : "ext-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "Must have either extensions or value[x], not both",
"expression" : "extension.exists() != value.exists()",
"xpath" : "exists(f:extension)!=exists(f:*[starts-with(local-name(.), \"value\")])",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : true,
"isModifierReason" : "Modifier extensions are expected to modify the meaning or interpretation of the resource that contains them",
"isSummary" : false
"id" : "DocumentReference.masterIdentifier",
"path" : "DocumentReference.masterIdentifier",
"short" : "Représente lâidentifiant unique global affecté au document par son créateur. Il est utilisable comme référence externe dans dâautres documents.",
"definition" : "An identifier - identifies some entity uniquely and unambiguously. Typically this is used for business identifiers.",
"comment" : "CDA Document Id extension and root.",
"requirements" : "The structure and format of this Id shall be consistent with the specification corresponding to the formatCode attribute. (e.g. for a DICOM standard document a 64-character numeric UID, for an HL7 CDA format a serialization of the CDA Document Id extension and root in the form \"oid^extension\", where OID is a 64 digits max, and the Id is a 16 UTF-8 char max. If the OID is coded without the extension then the '^' character shall not be included.).",
"min" : 1,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "DocumentReference.masterIdentifier",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"code" : "Identifier",
"profile" : [
"condition" : [
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"mustSupport" : true,
"isModifier" : false,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "n/a"
"identity" : "v2",
"map" : "CX / EI (occasionally, more often EI maps to a resource id or a URL)"
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "II - The Identifier class is a little looser than the v3 type II because it allows URIs as well as registered OIDs or GUIDs. Also maps to Role[classCode=IDENT]"
"identity" : "servd",
"map" : "Identifier"
"identity" : "DocumentEntry-Mapping",
"map" : "DocumentEntry.uniqueId"
"identity" : "specmetier-to-PDSmComprehensiveDocumentReference",
"map" : "idUnique : [0..1] Identifiant"
"id" : "DocumentReference.identifier",
"path" : "DocumentReference.identifier",
"slicing" : {
"discriminator" : [
"type" : "value",
"path" : "use"
"rules" : "open"
"short" : "Other identifiers for the document",
"definition" : "Other identifiers associated with the document, including version independent identifiers.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*",
"base" : {
"path" : "DocumentReference.identifier",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"type" : [
"code" : "Identifier"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"mustSupport" : true,
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : true,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "workflow",
"map" : "Event.identifier"
"identity" : "w5",
"map" : "FiveWs.identifier"
"identity" : "v2",
"map" : "TXA-16?"
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : ".id / .setId"
"identity" : "xds",
"map" : "DocumentEntry.entryUUID"
"identity" : "DocumentEntry-Mapping",
"map" : "DocumentEntry.entryUUID"
"identity" : "specmetier-to-PDSmComprehensiveDocumentReference",
"map" : "idFiche : [0..*] Identifiant"
"id" : "DocumentReference.identifier:entryUUID",
"path" : "DocumentReference.identifier",
"sliceName" : "entryUUID",
"short" : "An identifier intended for computation",
"definition" : "An identifier - identifies some entity uniquely and unambiguously. Typically this is used for business identifiers.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*",
"base" : {
"path" : "DocumentReference.identifier",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "*"
"type" : [
"code" : "Identifier",
"profile" : [
"condition" : [
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "n/a"
"identity" : "v2",
"map" : "CX / EI (occasionally, more often EI maps to a resource id or a URL)"
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "II - The Identifier class is a little looser than the v3 type II because it allows URIs as well as registered OIDs or GUIDs. Also maps to Role[classCode=IDENT]"
"identity" : "servd",
"map" : "Identifier"
"id" : "DocumentReference.status",
"path" : "DocumentReference.status",
"short" : "current | superseded | entered-in-error",
"definition" : "The status of this document reference.",
"comment" : "This is the status of the DocumentReference object, which might be independent from the docStatus element.\n\nThis element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains the codes that mark the document or reference as not currently valid.",
"min" : 1,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "DocumentReference.status",
"min" : 1,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"code" : "code"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"mustSupport" : true,
"isModifier" : true,
"isModifierReason" : "This element is labelled as a modifier because it is a status element that contains status entered-in-error which means that the resource should not be treated as valid",
"isSummary" : true,
"binding" : {
"strength" : "required",
"valueSet" : ""
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "workflow",
"map" : "Event.status"
"identity" : "w5",
"map" : "FiveWs.status"
"identity" : "v2",
"map" : "TXA-19"
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "interim: .completionCode=\"IN\" & ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]=\"active\"; final: .completionCode=\"AU\" && ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]=\"complete\" and not(./inboundRelationship[typeCode=\"SUBJ\" and isNormalActRelationship()]/source[subsumesCode(\"ActClass#CACT\") and moodCode=\"EVN\" and domainMember(\"ReviseDocument\", code) and isNormalAct()]); amended: .completionCode=\"AU\" && ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]=\"complete\" and ./inboundRelationship[typeCode=\"SUBJ\" and isNormalActRelationship()]/source[subsumesCode(\"ActClass#CACT\") and moodCode=\"EVN\" and domainMember(\"ReviseDocument\", code) and isNormalAct() and statusCode=\"completed\"]; withdrawn : .completionCode=NI && ./statusCode[isNormalDatatype()]=\"obsolete\""
"identity" : "xds",
"map" : "DocumentEntry.availabilityStatus"
"identity" : "DocumentEntry-Mapping",
"map" : "DocumentEntry.availabilityStatus"
"identity" : "specmetier-to-PDSmComprehensiveDocumentReference",
"map" : "statut : [1..1] Code"
"id" : "DocumentReference.docStatus",
"path" : "DocumentReference.docStatus",
"short" : "preliminary | final | amended | entered-in-error",
"definition" : "The status of the underlying document.",
"comment" : "The document that is pointed to might be in various lifecycle states.",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "0",
"base" : {
"path" : "DocumentReference.docStatus",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"code" : "code"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : true,
"binding" : {
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "ReferredDocumentStatus"
"strength" : "required",
"description" : "Status of the underlying document.",
"valueSet" : "|4.0.1"
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "w5",
"map" : "FiveWs.status"
"identity" : "fhircomposition",
"map" : "Composition.status"
"identity" : "v2",
"map" : "TXA-17"
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : ".statusCode"
"id" : "DocumentReference.type",
"path" : "DocumentReference.type",
"short" : "Représente le type du document.",
"definition" : "Specifies the particular kind of document referenced (e.g. History and Physical, Discharge Summary, Progress Note). This usually equates to the purpose of making the document referenced.",
"comment" : "Key metadata element describing the document that describes he exact type of document. Helps humans to assess whether the document is of interest when viewing a list of documents.",
"min" : 1,
"max" : "1",
"base" : {
"path" : "DocumentReference.type",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1"
"type" : [
"code" : "CodeableConcept"
"constraint" : [
"key" : "ele-1",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "All FHIR elements must have a @value or children",
"expression" : "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())",
"xpath" : "@value|f:*|h:div",
"source" : ""
"key" : "constr-bind-type",
"severity" : "error",
"human" : "Les valeurs possibles pour cet élément doivent provenir dâune des terminologies de référence suivantes :\n\r\n TRE_A05-TypeDocComplementaireCISIS, OID :\n\r\n TRE_A04-TypeDocument-LOINC, OID : 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1\n\r\n TRE_A12-NomenclatureASTM, OID : ASTM\n\r\nLes valeurs possibles peuvent être restreintes en fonction du jeu de valeurs correspondant mis à disposition par le projet (exemple : JDV_J66-TypeCode-DMP).\r\nEn lâabsence de spécifications complémentaires, le jeu de valeurs JDV_J07-XdsTypeCode-CISIS peut être utilisé.",
"source" : ""
"mustSupport" : true,
"isModifier" : false,
"isSummary" : true,
"binding" : {
"strength" : "preferred",
"valueSet" : ""
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "workflow",
"map" : "Event.code"
"identity" : "w5",
"map" : "FiveWs.class"
"identity" : "fhircomposition",
"map" : "Composition.type"
"identity" : "v2",
"map" : "TXA-2"
"identity" : "rim",
"map" : "./code"
"identity" : "xds",
"map" : "DocumentEntry.type"
"identity" : "cda",
"map" : "ClinicalDocument/code/@code \n\nThe typeCode should be mapped from the ClinicalDocument/code element to a set of document type codes configured in the affinity domain. One suggested coding system to use for typeCode is LOINC, in which case the mapping step can be omitted."
"identity" : "DocumentEntry-Mapping",
"map" : "DocumentEntry.typeCode"